Edward J. Kibblewhite Professor Emeritus, Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics; Enrico Fermi Institute; and the College Education: BA 1966 (Electrical Sciences) Cambridge, U.K., PhD (Astronomy) Cambridge, U.K., 1971 Phone: (773) 702-8208 Location: ERC 587 Email: Affiliations: Senior Fellow, Computation Institute Research Publications: ADS | arXiv | inSPIRE Research Fields: Kibblewhite's research concentrates on developing new technologies to revolutionize optical/IR astronomy. His current interests include: adaptive opticsto achieve diffraction limited resolution from ground based telescopes, high power lasers for generating synthetic beacons for adaptive optics, the design of extremely large telescopes (> 30 meters) and optical/infra red interferometry from space and ground. Graduate Students Past Graduate Students: Fang Shi (1999, Astronomy and Astrophysics); Michael F. Smutko (1998, Astronomy and Astrophysics) Teaching Courses Past courses: