Astronomy & Astrophysics Colloquia Astronomy & Astrophysics Colloquia - Usually Wednesdays, 3:30 PM, ERC 161, unless otherwise specified. Reception starts at 4:30 PM in Hubble Lounge; persons with a disability who believe they may need assistance, please call the departmental secretary in advance at 773-702-8203 or email deptsec  oddjob.uchicago.edu. See also the list of KICP Wednesday Colloquia which alternate with the Astronomy and Astrophysics Colloquia Astronomy & Astrophysics Special Seminars Special Seminars - Other talks that aren't AAC or KICP colloquia. Persons with a disability who believe they may need assistance, please call the departmental secretary in advance at 773-702-8203 or email deptsec  oddjob.uchicago.edu. Astronomy & Astrophysics Faculty Research Seminars Faculty Research Seminars - This talk series is aimed at first-year students. These talks are designed to give an overview of research in the department. Mondays, at 12 PM, in ERC 545. Bring your lunch! Astronomy Meetings - Adler Planetarium Lectures, Off-Campus
Days vary, 7-8pm, Adler Planetarium. A public lecture series; this year's theme is "Heliocentricity: Discovering the Sun". Lectures are only $5 for students. Registration is required. - Compton Lectures, On-Campus
Saturdays, 11am, KPTC. Public Lectures, different lecturer each Spring and Fall. - Fermilab Theoretical Astrophysics Weekly Seminars, Off-Campus
Mondays at 2:30 (at Fermilab). (Lunch seminars, 1 pm the same day, are also listed on that page.) - Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics Colloquia & Seminars, On-Campus
Fridays, 12-1, LASR conference room. - Wopat Student Talks, On-Campus
Wednesdays, 12-1, AAC 123. An informal student-organized talk and discussion series. Bring your lunch!
PSD Meetings - Chemistry Department Colloquia, On-Campus
Mondays, 4 PM, Kent 120. - Computer Science Department Colloquia, On-Campus
Days vary, usually at 2:30. - Geophysics Department Colloquia, On-Campus
Fridays, 1:30 and 3PM, Hinds 101. - Mathematics Department Colloquia, On-Campus
Times and days vary, apparently. - Physics Department Colloquia, On-Campus
Thursdays, 4:15 PM, KPTC 106. - Statistics Department Colloquia, On-Campus
Mondays, 4 PM, Eckhart 133. - Weekly listing of EFI seminars and colloquia, On-Campus
Thorough, PSD-wide, presented weekly.