Alumni: Douglas Rudd, 2007 Ph.D., University of Chicago, 2007 Scientific Computing Consultant, Research Computing Center at the University of Chicago. Webpage I'm a Scientific Computing Consultant at the Research Computing Center at the University of Chicago. My background is in computational astrophysics and cosmology. I use large numerical simulations to study the growth of cosmological structure and the formation of galaxies. I received my PhD in 2007 during which I developed the cosmological N-body+hydrodynamic code CART with my advisor Andrey Kravtsov. I held postdoctoral positions at The Institute for Advanced Study and Yale University before returning to University of Chicago to work in high-performance computing. I'm a member of the development teams of CosmoSIS and YT, two projects designed to help researchers be more productive and spend their time focusing on scientific problems rather than software. From time to time I like to play around with data and make cool things. University Of Chicago' Class Of 2007 Ph.D. Thesis: "Scatter in the Galaxy Cluster Mass-Observable Relations"; Scientific Advisor: Andrey V. Kravtsov |