Related Websites - Adler Planetarium & Astronomy Museum
- Apache Point Observatory
- Argonne National Laboratory
- Bean Exoplanet Group, The main theme of the group's research is the observational study of planets outside the Solar System ("exoplanets"). We use ground- and space-based telescopes to detect and characterize these worlds. We are also engaged in building new instruments as part of our push towards eventually identifying other Earth-like planets.
- Center for Adaptive Optics
- Center for Astrophysical Research in Antarctica
- Center for Magnetic Self-Organization
- Computation Institute, Argonne National Laboratory / University of Chicago
- Consortium for Advanced Science and Engineering
- CUIP, Chicago Public Schools - University of Chicago Internet Project
- Enrico Fermi Institute
- Exoplanet Reading Group, Sign up <a target='_blank' href='https://cosmo.uchicago.edu/mailman/listinfo/exoplanet'>here</a> for the email list, if you are local and want to hear about meeting announcements.
- Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
- Flash Center for Computational Science
- Harris School of Public Policy
- Hsiao-Wen Chen's Group, Mapping the Dark Universe
- Hu's research group
- Joint Institute for Nuclear Astrophysics
- Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics
- Kravtsov's research group, Andrey Kravtsov's group, "Chicago-land structure formation aficionados"
- Ryerson Astronomical Society, The Ryerson Astronomical Society (RAS) is the University of Chicago's astronomy club. Our club's purpose is to observe the celestial luminaries in hushed awe in our observation dome on the roof of Ryerson Hall, and to spread the love of astronomy and astrophysics through talks and events.
The RAS holds a Monday evening talk series during the UChicago academic year, as well as public observation on Wednesday nights. No experience or prior interest is necessary for either event, and we encourage everyone to come and participate. Beyond our weekly events, the RAS conducts many other activities in the astronomy and astrophysics realm, which are open to our members. Periodically, we run trips out to dark sky sites in the vicinity of Chicago for better observing. We also run longer (weekend) trpis to Yerkes Observatory in Wisconsin, where participate in workshops and observe the skies through world-class optics. - Survey Science Group
- Yerkes Observatory