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Evolution of a Milky Way sized system in the CDM universe with dark energy

Formation of an object similar in size and mass to our Milky Way galaxy. The region shown here is about one megaparsec across. Particles show the distribution of dark matter with the brightness indicating the local density on a logarithmic stretch. The bright clumps of particles are the dense sites where galaxies are expected to form. Our "camera" is tracking the progenitor of the Milky Way, so that it is always near the center of the field of view. We are also zooming-in onto the progenitor as time goes on. The formation of objects proceeds hierarchically in the Cold Dark Matter models. Small-mass objects form first at z>10, they quickly grow in size and violently merge with each other, creating increasingly larger and larger system. This galactic "cannibalism" persists even to the present day epoch (z=0) - you see multiple small clumps being "accreted". Note that many of the "cannibalized" systems do not loose their identity and become satellites orbiting in the gravitational pull of larger systems. At the present epoch (z=0), the movie shows a rotation of the formed dark matter halo, to better show its three-dimensional structure.

Questions and comments: Andrey Kravtsov (andrey@oddjob.uchicago.edu)

You can use this material if you include the proper credit:
simulations and visualizations were performed at the Astrophysical Institut Potsdam
by Anatoly Klypin (New Mexico State University)
Visualizations by Andrey Kravtsov. (Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics, The University of Chicago)