Travel to Aspen: Have your travel agent make reservations far in advance, since winter weekend travel is popular. Flying from Denver to Aspen takes about 35 minutes and is served by United Express, 1-800-241-6522. There are direct flights to Aspen from Minneapolis & Memphis (Northwest 1-800-225-2525), Los Angeles & San Francisco (United), Chicago (United), Salt Lake City (Delta), and Phoenix (America West). There are also direct flights to Vail/Eagle (EGE) from Chicago, Miami, New York, Newark and Dallas (American Airlines) and Atlanta and Cincinnati (Delta).
Flying to Aspen directly can be avoided. Ground transportation via shuttle is available from both Denver (4 hours) and Vail/Eagle (1.5 hours) through Colorado Mountain Express: 1-800-525-6363, Fax #: 970-949-5032. Reservations are required. To get the discounted rate, $112.00 Denver/Aspen one way and $63 Eagle/Aspen, mention that you are with the Physics Group. This option is better if you can fly to Eagle. Ground transportation is less affected by weather and snowstorms.
Skiing in Aspen: There are four ski areas within reasonable distance from the winter conference, Aspen Mountain, Snowmass, Aspen Highlands and Buttermilk. Information is available from the Aspen Ski Company. The morning session typically ends around 11am and there is a plenty of time for skiing and discussions before you return to evening sessions around 4:30pm. You can purchase discount lift tickets from the Aspen Center for Physics staff.