DAY # 1, Monday, Feb 12
morning - 8:00-10:50am
Cluster properties: observations
Harald Ebeling (IfA, Hawaii) 25
Results from the MAssive Cluster Survey (MACS)
Pasquale Mazzotta (University of Rome "Tor Vergata") 25
X-ray Properties of a Mass-Selected Group Catalog
Tesla Jeltema (Carnegie) 20
The evolution of X-ray luminous groups
Eli Rykoff (U.Michigan) 20
Mean X-Ray Properties of the SDSS maxBCG Cluster Catalog
9:30-10:00am COFFEE BREAK
Niayesh Afshordi (Harvard) 25
Missing Thermal Energy of the Universe.
Stephen Muchovej (Columbia) 25
Early Results from the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Array
11:00am-4:30pm BREAK
evening – 4:30-7:30pm
Cluster properties: theory
Jack Burns (U.Colorado) 25
Challenges of using galaxy clusters with cool cores for precision cosmology
Romain Teyssier (CEA, Saclay) 25
Cluster physics with AGN feedback.
Erwin Lau (U.Chicago) 20
Turbulence in the intracluster medium and its effects on hydrostatic
mass estimates
Marc Kamionkowsky (Caltech) 20
Substructures in CDM halos
18:00-18:30 COFFEE BREAK 25min
Mark Voit (Michigan State) 25
Quantifying Substructure in Galaxy Clusters
Anthony Gonzalez (University of Florida) 25
A Census of Baryons in Galaxy Clusters and Groups
Elena Rasia (U.Michigan) 20
Combing Simulations and Observation of the ICM Metallicity
DINNER at Aspen Meadows
DAY # 2, Tuesday, Feb 13
morning - 8:00-11:00am
Cluster properties: theory
Argyro Tasitsiomi (Princeton) 20
Galaxy occupation statistics and mass-to-light ratios of galaxy clusters
Joanne Cohn (Berkeley) 15
Two-color cluster identification in the Millenium Simulation
Lucio Mayer (University of Zurich/ETH) 25
Morphological evolution and survival of galaxies in
the cluster environment.
Oleg Gnedin (U.Michigan) 20
Dynamical evolution of galaxies in clusters
9:20-9:50am COFFEE BREAK
Ortwin Gerhard (MPE, Garching) 25
Intracluster light as a probe of the dynamical evolution of clusters
Dr Magda Arnaboldi (ESO) 25
The importance of mergers for the origin of intracluster stars
in Cosmological Simulations of Galaxy Clusters
Manolis Plionis (Athens Obs./INAOE, Mexico) 20
Morphological & Dynamical Properties if Group
like halos in different environments
11:00am-4:00pm BREAK
evening - 4:30pm-7:30pm
Cluster scaling relations: theory.
Gustavo Yepes (Madrid) 20
The MareNostrum Universe: Large-scale simulations of galaxy clusters
Stefan Gottloeber (AIP, Potsdam) 20
Shapes, spins and baryon fractions of galaxy clusters in the MareNostrum universe
Daisuke Nagai (Caltech) 20
Scaling relations of clusters: theory vs. observations
Andrey Kravtsov (U.Chicago) 20
A new robust X-ray mass indicator for clusters of galaxies
17:50-18:20 COFFEE BREAK
Licia Verde (U.Penn) 25
The thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Signature of Baryons
in the Local Universe
Gus Evrard (U.Michigan) 25
The virial relation calibration and its implications for cluster
energetics and sigma8
Paul Ricker (University of Illinois) 20
Scatter in Cluster Mass-Observable Relations
DINNER at Aspen Meadows
DAY #3. Wednesday, Feb 14.
morning – 8:00am-11:00am
Cluster scaling relations: observations.
Tim McKay (Michigan) 25
Scatter in the Cluster Observable-Mass Relation
from Dynamical Observations:
Erin Sheldon (NYU) 25
Weak Lensing Calibration of the Mass-obervable Relation
in the SDSS MaxBCG Cluster Catalog
Yen-Ting Lin (Princeton/Catolica) 20
Evolution of Luminosity Functions and Scaling Relations in Clusters.
9:10-9:40am COFFEE BREAK (20m)
Craig Sarazin (U. Virginia) 20
Cluster Mergers as a Problem for Cosmological Tests:
Can Radio Observations Help?
Max Bonamente (NASA/MSFC and University of Alabama) 20
Scaling Relations from SZE and X-ray Measurements.
Ben Maughan (CfA) 20
Can cluster X-ray luminosity be used as a simple, low-scatter
mass proxy?
Rebecca Stanek (Michigan) 20
Cluster Lx-M relation
11:00am-4:00pm BREAK
evening - 4:00pm-7:30pm
Cluster cosmology I. observations.
Thomas Reiprich (Bonn) 25
Studying the Nature of Dark Energy with Galaxy Clusters
Steve Allen (KIPAC, Stanford) 25
Constraining dark matter and dark energy with the most X-ray luminous
galaxy clusters.
Patrick Henry (IfA, Hawaii) 25
The Cluster Normalization of the Matter Power Spectrum
17:45-18:15 COFFEE BREAK (25m)
Alexey Vikhlinin (CfA) 25
Cosmological constraints from cluster count evolution in the 400d X-ray
cluster survey
Marusa Bradac (KIPAC/Stanford) 25
Dark matter in clusters of galaxies: measuring the invisible with
gravitational lensing
Graham Smith (U. Birmingham) 25
The Impact of Gravitational Lensing on Cluster Scaling Relations
David Rapetti (KIPAC, Stanford) 25
Combining X-ray galaxy clusters, SNIa and CMB to probe cosmology
DINNER at Aspen Meadows
DAY # 4. Thursday, Feb 15.
morning - 8:00-11:00am
Cluster cosmology: theory
Raul Jimenez (U. Penn) 25
Cluster cosmology with ACT
Douglas Rudd (U.Chicago) 20
Effects of baryons and dissipation on the mass distribution in clusters:
implications for cluster mass function and cosmology with weak lensing
Risa Wechsler (KIPAC/Stanford) 25
Calibrating Galaxy Populations for Cosmological Constraints
from Photometric Surveys
Juan Estrada (Fermilab) 20
Title: Correlation function for DES and SDSS clusters.
9:30-10:00am COFFEE BREAK (25min)
Salman Habib (LANL) 20
Precision computations of the halo mass function
Jeremy Tinker (U.Chicago) 20
“Accurate Calibrations of the Halo Mass
Function on the Exponential Cutoff”
Josh Frieman (Fermilab/U.Chicago) 20
Primordial non-Gaussianity and Dark Energy constraints
from Cluster Surveys
11:00am-4:30pm BREAK
evening - 4:30pm - 7:30pm
Cluster cosmology. Observations II.
Adam Mantz (KIPAC/Stanford) 20
Preliminary Constraints from Evolving the X-ray Luminosity function in MACS
Brian Gerke (Berkeley) 25
Groups as Cosmological Probes in DEEP2: Status Report
Frank van den Bosch (MPIA, Heidelberg) 25
The Galaxy Content of Groups & Clusters
17:40-18:00 COFFEE BREAK
Ben Koester (Michigan) 25
The MaxBCG Galaxy Cluster Catalog
Eduardo Rozo (CCAPP, OSU) 20
Cosmological Constraints from the maxBCG Cluster Sample
Andreas Berlind (NYU) 25
Galaxy Clusters in the SDSS: Probing the Dark Matter Halo Population
Rines Kenneth (CfA) 20
Cosmological constraints from the Virial Mass Function
DINNER at Aspen Meadows
DAY # 5. Friday, Feb 16
morning – 8:00-11:00am
New cluster surveys
Nils Halverson (U.Colorado) 30
The South Pole Telescope cluster survey
Jack Hughes (Rutgers/Princeton) 30
The Atacama Cosmology Telescope cluster survey
Scott Chapman (Cambridge University, Institute of Astronomy) 25
Clusters of SCUBA galaxies, and unique cluster surveys via bright
SCUBA galaxies.
9:30-10:00 COFFEE BREAK
Ruediger Kneissl (MPI fuer Radioastronomie) 30
SZ cluster survey with the APEX telescope
SZ theory
Max Markevitch (CfA) 25
Title: SZ effect and Helium abundance in clusters
11:00am-4:30pm BREAK
evening - 4:30-7:30pm
SZ theory
Silvia Ameglio (Tieste) 20
Joint deprojection of SZ and X-ray images of galaxy clusters
Neelima Sehgal (Rutgers) 20
Microwave-Sky Simulations and Projections for SZ Cluster
Detection with ACT
Eric Hallman (U.Colorado) 25
Advanced Numerical Simulations of the Cosmological Light Cone:
Large Area Surveys of the Synthetic Universe
Gil Holder (McGill) 25
Likelihood methods for galaxy cluster surveys.
Dinner on your own in Aspen